Year: 2024

News: Inductive laser pointers up to 125 degrees

Inductive laser pointers

Laboratory tests on some colored cardboard to evaluate the performance of inductive red light laser pointers. The laser pointers are used for alignment and positioning on industrial machines. Choose the model that suits you best: products/laser-pointers

News: PUR Cables

PUR cables

Inductive sensors with PUR cables allow installation on machinery where oils/lubricants are present. The PUR cable is not only resistant to oils but also to strong mechanical stresses, being much more flexible than PVC. For example, they can be used

Panel cut application

Laser pointer application: cutting trajectory Laser pointers are used for positioning and alignment in the wood, marble and textile sectors. In this application, with the help of the pointer, the operator will see the cutting trajectory on the panel. Look

Focusable laser pointer

In focus is better: laser pointers are used for positioning and alignment in the wood, marble and textile sectors. The versions with a ring for adjusting the focus allow you to obtain a sharp and clearly visible line.

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